Managing shipments can be tricky.

Especially when you consider the number of stakeholders involved.

Whether it's you, the buyer, the supplier, your freight forwarder, the requester of goods (colleague), your boss, 3PL, contract manufacturer, or the sales department.

Sending one bulk email doesn't cut it.

Different stakeholders want different information at different times.

With multiple incoming shipments on the go keeping up to date with communication across various channels can become overwhelming.


Orderlink’s Solution:

A central collaboration hub for all order stakeholders to access.

The order manager or buyer initiates the process by creating and sending a purchase order to a supplier.

This action will automatically include the supplier in the order communication channel.

Upon receiving the order collaboration link, usually via email, other stakeholders gain instant access to the order communication channel.

Here, stakeholders can upload relevant order documents - packing slips, bill of ladings, freight documents, receipts, proof of delivery, and invoices.

By uploading documents via Orderlink it allows the opportunity for these documents to easily be extracted into digitized data files.

Within Orderlink's collaboration panel stakeholders will be able to adjust and maintain accurate ETA dates.

Buyer: "Hey James, can you fit us into production next week? We need our order by the first of next month!"

Supplier: "Sure, we can make that work. Please see the updated ETA in Orderlink."This updated information is now visible to all relevant stakeholders.

Its important to note that the collaboration panel has different access levels depending on the type of stakeholder.

Admins: Invite stakeholders, upload files, make changes to an order.

Editors: Make updates, upload files, but cannot invite others.

Viewers: Can only view order information.

This access system prevents unauthorized changes and ensures a smooth collaboration process.

Orderlink transforms communication from a fragmented, overwhelming experience into a streamlined, accessible process.



  • Accurate ETA dates.
  • Reduced lead times.
  • Enhanced stakeholder visibility.
  • Eliminates email overload.
  • Removes the need to manually maintain and update supplier spreadsheets.
  • Information is easily accessible on one dashboard.
  • Customized notifications.
  • Minimizes clerical errors.
  • Faster communication and response times.


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