How to Train Your Team for ERP Success

This blog is for the champion user of an ERP system within a company—whether you're an owner, CEO, COO, operations manager, or supply chain manager. You’ve just completed the journey of selecting and implementing a new ERP for your small business, likely moving away from spreadsheets, disconnected systems, or a not so shabby previous ERP. Once, the system is up and running there’s one critical step left: teaching your team how to use it effectively.


Here are a few tips to help you do just that:


Leverage Your ERP Provider’s Resources

Your ERP provider is likely to offer a wealth of training materials. While in-person training can be helpful, it often comes with a hefty price tag. Luckily, most ERP providers offer free resources such as tutorials, blog posts, and product documentation. Find the content that’s most relevant to each team member's role and share it with them. Don’t hesitate to reach out to your ERP vendor—they can often point you toward the most useful resources for your specific needs.


Train to Your Processes

While generic resources from your ERP provider are useful, training should be tailored to your company’s specific processes. Teach your team within the context of their actual day-to-day work. Create your own Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) with step-by-step instructions on how to complete business tasks in the ERP. A great approach is to record a video tutorial of a key process with your commentary, then generate a written procedure from the video transcript using an AI tool.


Focus on What Each User Needs to Know

Not everyone needs to master every part of the ERP. Focus on training each employee on the specific tasks they need to perform in the system. As they grow more comfortable with the ERP, they can self-learn additional functions. The key is to keep initial training focused on the core duties that matter to their role.


Cater to Different Tech Skill Levels

Some users will naturally pick up the system faster than others. For less tech-savvy team members, you’ll likely need to spend more time training them in person. Video tutorials might not be enough for them, so consider pairing them with a colleague who can offer ongoing support after their initial training. Use your team as trainers—sometimes peer support is the most effective way to reinforce learning.


Document Everything

Documentation is your best friend. Having clear, written guides prevents the need to constantly reteach the same material and ensures your employees can refer back to the procedures whenever needed. Plus, it makes onboarding new team members much easier down the line.